Light and cosy sports clothing, trainers, a hand towel and your personal water bottle. Equipment is available for beginners. Later on the regular participants buy their own boxing-equipment.
Warm-up 10%
Shadow boxing 5%
Rounds on the heavy bags & co 60%
Stabilisation and strengthening exercises 15%
Stretching 5%.
Loosen-up 5%
All the time. Since the training sessions are modular therefore beginners can start anytime.
There is no physical contact / exchange of blows. We train using the heavy bag and on our own bodyweight and mind.
Yes, of course. You can determine the intensity of the training sessions yourself.
Yes. Make an appointment to discuss your requirements. Then we can put together a personal training programme. This can also be done for two people or a small group ( technique, cardio and weight training ).
Yes, you can. For a service charge of CHF 2.-, you can use the showers in the adjacent building.
Yes, but you need an appointment ( please ask at least one day in advance ).
Of course. If your children want to carry on alone afterwards, the minimum age is 14. For our smaller visitors, there is a play area available.
Of course. Give us a proposed date and time. The rest will be organised according to your specific requirements.
It`s possible to organise a special session with your supervision counselor and the team at any time.
Notify me, pack your sports clothing and try it out. Groups of up to 21 persons can take part.
Yes. After a trial session, it is possible to take part in the inclusive Thursday sessions between 4.30 p.m. and 5.30p.m. These session are accompanied by a qualified professional social worker and sometimes under social supervision.
Thank you for your interest. It is surely possible to agree on a reduced entry price. ( Education or vocational training / single-parent / small budgets etc. ) Bartering is also an option or just be my guest. There`s so much more than money. ( New directions... )
Contact us for more information: CONTACTBETWEENHUMANBEINGS
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